News list
Election of Sabrina H. Kessler as Speaker of the Swiss Young Academy
New Project: Digital Resilience
COALESCE: “Generative AI and Science Communication: Opportunities and Challenges”
Unveiling misinformation on YouTube
TISP Many Labs Project Featured in Nature News
New project: "SciComm meets Comedy"
Two projects get funding: "AI in Science and Society" & "Science vs. Activism"
Project co-led by Niels Mede has been highly commended at MRS Awards 2023
Vorsicht #Desinformation
Silke Fürst received the DGPuK Theory Award and the SACM Best Paper Award
Digital Health: COVID-19 misinformation on YouTube
Journal of Science Communication: The Notorious GPT: science communication in the age of artificial intelligence
New publication: "Conceptualizing platformed conspiracism"
Niels Mede received the 2023 Dissertation Award of the SACM
Sabrina Kessler elected member of Prix Média Commission
Neue Publikation: Grundlagenbeitrag: Inhaltsanalysen inklusive Medienanalysen
Sabrina H. Kessler Wahl zur Fachgruppensprecherin
Neue Publikation: Visuelle Evidenzen aus historischer Perspektive
Science Barometer Switzerland 2022: New results published
Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary
Chapters in "The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication"
Dissertation awards for Silke Fürst
New Project: The Effect of Disinformation on Opinion Formation
Dissertation award for Sophia Volk
Handbook “Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research”
Special Issue on Mis- and Disinformation About Covid-19: Challenges for Health Communication
New book: TikTok: Creativity and Culture in Short Video
Book chapter on digital self-tracking
International Journal of Communication: Typologizing the Swiss Population’s COVID-19-Related Conspiracy Beliefs
Agriculture and Human Values: Genome-edited versus genetically-modified tomatoes
Doctoral position (60%, for 3-6 years) at IKMZ
New Media & Society: Conspiracy theories in online environments
Niels Mede elected member of ORCID Researcher Advisory Council
Journal of Public Health: Debunking health myths on the internet
Public Understanding of Science: Mapping mental models of science communication
Bookchapter: Eyetracking Study
Public Understanding of Science: Science-related populism declining during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19: Science and Society
Global Environmental Change: Climate change in news media across the globe
- New leadership at IKMZ
New study: Severe underrepresentation of women in Swiss media
Digital Journalism: Conceptualizing “Dark Platforms”
Mass Communication & Society: Terrorist Organizations in the News
New Paper: Beyond the ivory tower
New Paper: From “Nasa Lies” to “Reptilian Eyes”
Journalism: What is terrorism (according to the news)?
Journalism Studies: 2 Publications
Disinformation on COVID-19 vaccination on YouTube: An analysis of content, impact, and subsequent verification processes via online search
Doctoral position (60%, for 3 years) at IKMZ
SciPop Scale included in 21st survey wave of Austrian Corona Panel Project
Silke Fürst new editor at SComS
The Science Communication Division in 2021: Where to Find Us
New Project: What can we learn from COVID-19 fake news about the spread of scientific misinformation in general?
New Project: Imaginaries of Artifical Intelligence
Mike Schäfer elected member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering
Science Communication: Learning From Science News via Interactive and Animated Data Visualizations
Publizistik: Truly irrelevant?
PuS: The "replication" Crisis in the public eye
WIREs Climate Change: Climate Change in a Changing Media Ecosystem
New publication: Feeling Asian together
New Project: Assessing the Potential of Citizen Science in Switzerland
New publication: Can transparency preserve journalism's trustworthiness?
Publizistik: Public communication in times of artificial intelligence
Information, Communication & Society: Contested Chinese Dreams of AI?
Public Understanding of Science: Science-related populism
New publication: The role of sex and gender in search behavior online
New publication: Lithuanians’ perceptions of vaccination and their sources of information
New publication: Growing Influence of University PR on Science News Coverage?
Chinese Journal of Communication: #PositiveEnergy Douyin
Swiss academy: Sabrina Kessler as new elected member
New publication: Eyeing CRISPR on Wikipedia
New publication: We are a bit blind about it
We are hiring: PhD position at the IKMZ available
New publication: Science communication research in the German-speaking countries
Talks of our division: 2020
New publication: Analyzing science communication through the lens of communication science
New publication: Public Understanding of Science
Project funding: Debunking health myths
New publication: Health Communication
New publication: Measuring selective exposure to online information
Environmental Communication: News Media Coverage of Climate Change in India 1997–2016
New publication: Science communication scholars use more and more segmentation analyses
New publication: Liking, sharing or reading political content online
2 PhD positions at our department available
New publication: Global media and china
New publication: On measuring trust and distrust in journalism
Young Scholar Representative DGPuK Science Comm - Niels Mede
Our team: Presentations in 2019
New publication: How news media (de-)legitimize national and international climate politics
Mike Schäfer chairs expert group on Swiss science communication
New publication: Global similarities and persistent differences
Special Issue: Audience segments for science communication
New member: Niels Mede
New team member: Jing Zeng
New publication: Handbook on researching university communication
Senja Post appointed professor at the University of Göttingen
Structure and development of science communication research: co-citation analysis of a developing field
Chinese Social Science Today: Populism
New publication: What do we know about the humanities' representation in the media?
New publication: How do young adults engage with science and research on social media?
New team member: Meg Jing Zeng
New publication: Why do we click?
Research visit at the IKMZ: Lea Hellmüller
Jarren and Schäfer elected members of Akademie AG
New publication: Between active seekers and non-users
New publication: Searching online for information about vaccination
New publication: Transnationalisierte Öffentlichkeit und Klimapolitik
New publication: Climate change politics and the role of China
Adrian Rauchfleisch appointed as Assistant Professor at Taiwan University
Our Department: Presentations in 2018
New publication: The different audiences of science communication
New publication: Between fragmentation and dialogue. Twitter communities and political debate about the Swiss “Nuclear Withdrawal Initiative”
Mike S. Schäfer elected as President of SNSF Agora Commission
New publication: Trustworthy or shady?
New publication: How 'digital-born' media cover climate change in comparison to legacy media
Chess Lecture: Changing Science Communication
European Journal of Health Communication: Swiss population’s information awareness, behavior, and deficits during the COVID-19 pandemic
Niels Mede received the 2023 Dissertation Award of the SACM