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Department of Communication and Media Research Science Communication

Niels Mede and Viktoria Cologna win 2024 Postdoc Team Award of University of Zurich

Niels G. Mede and Viktoria Cologna (now at Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich) received the 2024 Postdoc Team Award of the University of Zurich for their global survey study “Trust in Science and Science-Related Populism” (TISP). The award recognizes interdisciplinary postdoctoral teams for outstanding and independent scientific achievements, with a focus on research projects that stand out for their societal relevance and/or impact. It is funded by a private donation to the President’s Fund of the UZH Foundation. Carole Scheidegger interviewed Niels Mede and Viktoria Cologna for UZH News about the award and their work: (English) and (German)
