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Department of Communication and Media Research Science Communication

Senja Post appointed professor at the University of Göttingen

Senja Post

Dr. Senja Post has been appointed as a professor for science communication in life sciences at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen.

Senja studied communication science, political science and English at the University of Dresden, the University of Mainz and Boston University. In 2012, she finished her dissertation on "Truth criteria of journalists and scientists" supervised by Prof. Dr. Hans Mathias Kepplinger at the University of Mainz. After a holding a position as a postdoctoral scholar at the University Koblenz-Landau, she has since been a senior research and teaching assistant at the IKMZ in the division "science, crisis and risk communication" with Prof. Dr. Mike Schäfer. 

Her research interests include dynamics of public disputes and science communication in polarized political debates. She is also interested in journalism research and media effects on participants in public discourses. Her work has been published in leadings journals of the fields, including «Communication Theory», «Communication Research», «Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly», «Social Media and Society» und «Public Understanding of Science». Shortly, she will be publishing the edited book "Research on university communication" that she edited together with Birte Fähnrich, Julia Metag und Mike S. Schäfer.

The IKMZ and specifically the divison wish Senja all the best for her new position at the University of Göttingen and a great start with an innovative and effective team.
