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Department of Communication and Media Research Science Communication

New publication: Transnationalisierte Öffentlichkeit und Klimapolitik


For decades, the analysis of public spheres has been a core field in communication science and neighboring disciplines. Against the backdrop of a general transnationalization of the social sphere, communication scholars have increasingly paid attention to transnational forms of public sphere(s). Many of them, however, have focused on the (potential) emergence of a European public sphere in light of the expansion of the European Union. This study conducted an empirical analysis of (potential) transnational public spheres by focusing on international climate change policy. 

The analysis shows a visible transnationalization of public debates about climate change policy which, however, differs depending on the dimension examined. It also found country and media type-related differences regarding the extent, structural patterns and reach of transnationalization: News coverage of quality papers is more transnationalized than regional and especially tabloid papers.

Schäfer, M.S., Post, S., Schwab, R., & Kleinen-von-Königslöw, K. (2018). Transnationalisierte Öffentlichkeit und Klimapolitik. Akteursensembles in der Medienberichterstattung von 15 Ländern. Publizistik. doi:10.1007/s11616-018-0420-6 (Link to article)
