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Department of Communication and Media Research Science Communication

Sophia Charlotte Volk

Sophia Charlotte Volk, Dr.

  • Oberassistentin / Senior Research and Teaching Associate
+41 44 635 20 46
Room number
AND 3.24

Curriculum Vitae

2021 - ongoing

Editorial Board Member of

2023 Invited Member of the Evaluation Panel of MISTRA - The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research
2022 - ongoing Elected Speaker of the Public Relations / Organizational Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)
2021 - ongoing                                        

Senior Research and Teaching Associate at the Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich

2015-2021 Ph.D. in "Communication Science" (summa cum laude), Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University
2017, 2018 Visiting Scholar at the Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University (China)
2012-2015 M.A. in "Communication Management", Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University 
2014 Visiting Student at E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University, United States

B.A. in "Communication Science", Department of Communication, University of Münster

2010 Visiting Student at the Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich
2005-2006 Visiting Student at John Abbott College, Canada

Research Interests

  • Strategic communication
  • Evaluation and impact measurement
  • University and science communication
  • Digital media environments and technologies
  • Comparative communication research
  • International research collaboration


See also: Orcid ID     Google Scholar     ResearchGate

JOURNAL ARTICLES (peer-reviewed)

  1. Volk, S. C., & Schäfer, M. S. (2024). Evaluations in Science Communication. Current State and Future Directions. Journal of Science Communication, 23(06), Y01.

  2. Volk, S. C., Schäfer, M. S., Lombardi, D., Mahl, D., & Yan, X. (2024). How generative artificial intelligence portrays science: Interviewing ChatGPT from the perspective of different audience segments. Public Understanding of Science.
  3. Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Fürst, S., & Schäfer, M. S. (2024). The plurivocal university: Typologizing the diverse voices of a research university on social media. Public Understanding of Science.
  4. Volk, S. C. (2024). Assessing the outputs, outcomes and impacts of science communication: A quantitative content analysis of 128 science communication projects. Science Communication, 46(6), 758-789
  5. Volk, S. C., Schulz, A., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Nguyen, H., & Strauss, N. (2024). Selecting, avoiding, disconnecting: A focus group study of people’s strategies for dealing with information abundance in the contexts of news, entertainment and personal communication. Information Communication & Society.
  6. Sörensen, I., Volk, S. C., Fürst, S., Vogler, D., & Schäfer, M. S., (2024). “It’s not so easy to measure impact”: A qualitative analysis of how universities measure and evaluate their communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication.
  7. Hagelstein, J., Volk, S. C., Zerfass, A., Athaydes, A., Macnamara, J., Meng, J., & Hung-Baesecke, F. (2024). Ethical challenges of digital communication: A comparative study of public relations practitioners in 52 countries. International Journal of Communication, 18, 1072–1093.

  8. Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Fürst, S., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I. (2023). Role conceptions of university communicators: A segmentation analysis of communication practitioners in higher education institutions. Public Relations Review, 49(4), 102339.

  9. Fürst, S., Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I. (2022). Organizational and societal goals in tension? A survey of communication practitioners at Swiss higher education institutions. Journal of Science Communication, 21(7). A06.

  10. Fürst, S., Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I. (2022). Assessing changes in the public communication of higher education institutions: A survey of leaders of Swiss universities and colleges. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(3), 515-534.

  11. Link, J., Volk, S. C, & Düthmann, J. (2022). Millennials im Spannungsfeld zwischen Privat- und Berufsleben: Stress, Zufriedenheit und Rollenkonflikte im Berufsfeld PR. MedienJournal 45(4), 45-66.
  12. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2020). Management tools in corporate communications: A survey among practitioners and reflections about the relevance of academic knowledge for practice. Journal of Communication Management, 25(1), 50-67.
  13. Volk, S. C., & Buhmann, A. (2019). New avenues in communication evaluation and measurement (E&M). Towards a research agenda for the 2020s. Journal of Communication Management, 23(3), 162-178.
  14. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2018). How communication departments contribute to corporate success: The communications contributions framework. Journal of Communication Management, 22(4), 397-415.
  15. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2018). Alignment: Revisiting a key concept in strategic communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 12(4), 433–451.
  16. Volk, S. C. (2017). Towards Comparative Research in Strategic Communication: Analysis of Current Cross-National Studies and Future Directions. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 11(5), 434-453.
  17. Zerfaß, A., Verčič, D., & Volk, S. C. (2017). Communication evaluation and measurement: Skills, practices and utilization in European organizations. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 22(1), 2-18. 
  18. Volk, S. C. (2016). A Systematic Review of 40 Years of Public Relations Evaluation and Measurement Research: Looking into the Past, the Present, and Future. Public Relations Review, 42(5), 962-977.


  1. Volk, S. C. (2021). Comparative Communication Research: A Study of the Conceptual, Methodological, and Social Challenges of International Collaborative Studies in Communication Science. Springer VS.   Book reviews in: Publizistik, Global Media Journal
  2. Zerfaß, A., Volk, S. C. (2019). Toolbox Kommunikationsmanagement. Denkwerkzeuge und Methoden für die Steuerung der Unternehmenskommunikation. Springer Gabler.


  1. Werder, K. P., Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (Eds.) (2027). The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  2. Kessler, S. H., Mahl, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Volk, S. C. (Eds.) (2025). Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Science Communication.
  3. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2024). Communication strategy. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopaedia of Corporate Communication (pp. 309-315). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  4. Volk, S. C., Weinmann, C., & Vowe, G. (2022). Forschung im Team: Was bedeutet die «kollaborative Wende» für die KW? Ein Debattenschwerpunkt mit Beiträgen von Marc Jungblut, Marc Ziegele, Birgit Stark, Constanze Rossmann & Thorsten Quandt. Aviso, 74(1), 3-10.
  5. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2020). Communication Management. In P. Moy (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. Oxford University Press, 2020-02-26.
  6. Volk, S. C., & Buhmann, A. (Eds., 2019). New avenues in communication evaluation and measurement (E&M).  Journal of Communication Management, 23(3).


  1. Volk, S. C., & Buhmann, A. (2023). Digital corporate communication and measurement and evaluation. In V. Luoma-aho & M. Badham (Eds.), Handbook on Digital Corporate Communication (pp. 118-133). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Buhmann, A., & Volk, S. C. (2022). Measurement and Evaluation: Framework, Methods, and Critique. In J. Falkheimer & M. Heide (Eds.), Research Handbook on Strategic Communication (pp. 475-489). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Volk, S. C., & Zerfaß, A. (2021). Kommunikationscontrolling und PR-Evaluation. In P. Szyszka, R. Fröhlich & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Public Relations (4. Auflage). Springer VS.
  4. Zerfaß, A., & Volk, S. C. (2021). Strategische Ausrichtung der Unternehmenskommunikation: Zieldefinition, Alignment mit Organisationszielen und Wertbeitrag. In A. Zerfaß, M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation (3. Auflage). Springer Gabler.
  5. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2020). Positionierung von Kommunikationsabteilungen und Kommunikatoren: Selbstverständnis, Rollen und Wertbeitrag. In A. Zerfaß, M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation (3. Auflage). Springer Gabler.
  6. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2020). Aligning and Linking Communication with Organizational Goals. In M. J. Canel & V. Luoma-Aho (Eds.), Handbook of Public Sector Communication (pp. 417-434). Wiley Blackwell.


  1. Volk, S. C. (accepted). International research collaboration and networks: Challenges and solutions to assembling and working in international research teams. In C. Richter, H. Badr, A. Litvinenko, C. Horz-Ishak, M. Radue, & A. Fiedler (Eds.), Cosmopolitan Communication Studies: Toward Deep Internationalizationtranscript Verlag.
  2. Lind, F., & Volk, S. C. (accepted). Towards more truly international comparative research: Current opportunities and challenges of multilingual text analysis with computational methods. In H. Badr & K. G. Wilkins (Eds.), Critical Communication Research with Global Inclusivity. Routledge.

  3. Volk, S. C. (2023). Evaluation der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Modelle, Stufen, Methoden. In P. Niemann, V. van den Bogaert & R. Ziegler, (Hrsg.), Evaluationsmethoden der Wissenschaftskommunikation (pp. 33-49). Springer VS.

  4. Volk, S. C. (2023). Evaluating Organizational Listening: Models and Methods for Measuring the Value of Listening for Identifying Risks, Crises, and Opportunities. In K. R. Place (Ed.), Organizational Listening for Strategic Communication: Building Theory & Practice (pp. 81-100). Routledge.

  5. Fürst, S., Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I. (2022). Zwischen Ethik des Gemeinwohls und strategischer Profilierung: Individuelle Rollenselbstverständnisse und organisationale Qualitätskriterien in der Hochschulkommunikation. In C. Paganini, M. Prinzing & J. Serong (Eds.), Wissen kommunizieren: Ethische Anforderungen an die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Nomos Verlag.

  6. Brockhaus, J., Dicke, L., Hauck, P., & Volk, S. C. (2020). Employees as corporate ambassadors: A qualitative study exploring the perceived benefits and risks from three perspectives. In A. Tkalac Verčič, R. Tench, & S. Einwiller, S. (Eds.), Joy. Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management, Vol. 5 (pp. 115-134). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  7. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2019). Alignment: Explicating a key concept in strategic communication. In H. Nothhaft, K. P. Werder, D. Verčič & A. Zerfass (Eds.), Future directions of strategic communication (pp. 105–123). Routledge.
  8. Winkler, L., Volk, S. C., Borner, M., & Zerfaß A. (2017). Zwischen Intention und Emergenz. Mittelstandskommunikation im Spannungsfeld kontroverser Strategieparadigmen. In S. Wehmeier & D. Schoeneborn (Hrsg.), Strategische Kommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Intention und Emergenz (S. 215-232). Springer VS.
  9. Ebert, J., Keßler, S., & Volk, S. C. (2015). Akzeptanz durch Transparenz? In G. Bentele, R. Bohse, U. Hitschfeld & F. Krebber (Eds.), Akzeptanz in der Medien- und Protestgesellschaft: Zur Debatte um Legitimation, öffentliches Vertrauen, Transparenz und Partizipation (S. 41-56). Springer VS.


  1. Volk, S. C., & Mede, N. (2025). Wissenschaftskommunikation im Kreuzfeuer: Eine qualitative Studie zu Angriffen und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen im Hochschulkontext. Accepted for presentation at the 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Berlin, Germany, March 2025.
  2. Schulz, A. & Volk, S.C. (2025). Information Overload and Information Appreciation Across News, Entertainment, and Digital Personal Communication: Scale Development and Analysis. Accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Denver, United States, June 2025.
  3. Volk, S. C., & Mede, N. (2024). Science-society intermediaries ‘in the line of fire’: An interview study on hostility and institutional support in science communication. Accepted for presentation at ECREA, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2024.
  4. Sörensen, I., Volk, S. C., Fürst, S., Vogler, D., & Schäfer, M. S. (2024). "Everything has changed”: A qualitative study of developments in public communication of Higher Education Institutions. Accepted for presentation at ICA, Gold Coast, Australia, June 2024.
  5. Volk, S. C., Schäfer, M. S., Lombardi, D., Mahl, D., & Yan, X. (2024). How Generative AI Imagines and Communicates Science. Interviewing ChatGPT from the Perspective of Different Audience Segments. Accepted for presentation at the Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe „Wissenschaftskommunikation“, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2024.
  6. Morozova, M., & Volk, S. C. (2024). Digital transformation of Swiss print media: A qualitative study of tools and technologies in editorial practices. Accepted for presentation at the SACM Annual Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, April 2024.
  7. Fürst, S., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I., & Volk, S. C. (2024). Zunehmende mediale Sichtbarkeit von Universitäten? Eine Längsschnittanalyse der Berichterstattung von Schweizer Nachrichtenmedien. Accepted for presentation at the SACM Annual Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, April 2024.
  8. Volk, S. C., Hase, V., & Lind, F. (2024). Rethinking context in the age of platforms: A vision for advancing comparative research in a transnationally connected world. Accepted for presentation at the 69. Jahrestagung der DGPuK, Erfurt, Germany, March 2023.
  9. Schulz, A., Volk, S. C., Blassnig, S., Kessler, S.H., Nguyen, H., & Stahel, L. (2024). Zwischen Wertschätzung und Überlastung: Eine Befragung zur positiven und negativen Wahrnehmung der Informations- und Angebotsfülle in den Bereichen Nachrichten, Unterhaltung und persönliche Kommunikation. Accepted for presentation at Jahrestagung of the DGPuK Reception and Effects Research Division, Fribourg, Switzerland, January 2024.
  10. Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Fürst, S., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I. (2023). Types of University Communicators in Switzerland: A Segmentation Analysis of Communication Practitioners in all Swiss Higher Education Institutions. Accepted for presentation at the PCST Venice Symposium, Science Communication Education and Training: Challenges and Strategies for Research and Academic Institutions, Venice, Italy, September, 2023.
  11. Volk, S. C. (2023). With data comes power - and responsibility: Data collection, analysis and use in the context of evaluation of digital communication. Accepted for presentation in the panel “Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Digital PR: Taking and Communicating Responsibility” at the EUPRERA, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2023.
  12. Sörensen, I., Volk, S. C., Fürst, S., Vogler, D., & Schäfer, M. S. (2023). Evaluation Practices in University Communication: A Qualitative Study of Communicators and University Leaders. Accepted for presentation at the EUPRERA, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2023.
  13. Fürst, S., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I., & Volk, S. C. (2023). Wachsender Einfluss der Hochschulkommunikation auf den Wissenschaftsjournalismus? Eine Längsschnittanalyse der Berichterstattung über Schweizer Universitäten. Accepted for presentation at Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppen Wissenschaftskommunikation und Journalistik/Journalismusforschung, Passau, Germany, September 2023.
  14. Schulz, A., Volk, S. C., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Nguyen, H., & Strauss, N. (2023). Information abundance – curse or blessing? A focus group study on how people perceive today’s information flows. Submitted for presentation at the ECREA Political Communication Section Conference, Berlin, Germany, August 2023.
  15. Volk, S. C., Schulz, A., Blassnig, S., Marschlich, S., Strauss, N., & Nguyen, H. (2023). Putting avoidance in a positive light: A focus group study of people’s coping strategies with information abundance in different media contexts. Accepted for presentation at the ICA Pre-Conference News Avoidance, Resistance, and Related Audience Practices: Definitions, Predictors, and Consequences, Toronto, Canada, May 2023.
  16. Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., & Fürst, S. (2023). Expansion of the universe: How central and decentral communicators of a university interact on Twitter. Accepted for presentation at the ICA Post-Conference Authenticity in Science Communication, Toronto, Canada, May 2023.
  17. Volk, S. C., Hagelstein, J., & Zerfass, A. (2023). Ethische Herausforderungen im digitalen Zeitalter: Eine Befragung von Kommunikator:innen aus 52 Ländern. Accepted for presentation at the 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Bremen, Germany, May 2022.
  18. Cologna, V., Mede, N.G., Doell, K., Volk, S.C., & Azevedo, F. (2022). Challenges and caveats of Big Team Science projects in the social sciences. Accepted for presentation at the Virtual Big Team Science Conference (BTSCON), October 2022.
  19. Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Fürst, S., Schäfer, M. S., & Sörensen, I. (2022). Communication practitioners in higher education institutions: A segmentation analysis to identify types of communicators in Switzerland. Accepted for presentation at the 23rd EUPRERA Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 2022.
  20. Volk, S. C., Schulz, A., Blassnig, S., & Strauss, N. (2022). Too much information? A qualitative study on how the abundance of information in the digital era impacts people’s lives. Accepted for presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 2022.
  21. Mpadanes, M., & Volk, S. C. (2022). Starting Point for More Dialogue? Analyzing Similarities and Differences Between Media and Communication Management Based on Systematic Reviews from Three Decades. Accepted for presentation at the 2022 Annual Conference oft he European Media Management Association (emma), Munich, Germany, June 2022.
  22. Fürst, S., Volk, S. C., Vogler, D., Schäfer, M. S., Sörensen, I. (2022). How has public communication of higher education institutions changed in the past decade? A survey of leaders of Swiss universities and colleges. Accepted for presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 2022.
  23. Volk, S. C. (2022). Comparability and equivalence in comparative studies in mass communication research: How far have we come? Accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual ICA Conference, Paris, France, May 2022.
  24. Zerfass, A., Hagelstein, J., Volk, S. C., Macnamara, J., Hung-Baesecke, F., Meng, J., & Athaydes, A. (2022). Ethics in PR: a global study comparing individual versus cultural factors. Accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual ICA Conference, Paris, France, May 2022.
  25. Fürst, S., Volk, S. C., Schäfer, M. S., Vogler, D., Sörensen, I. (2022). Between knowledge dissemination and organizational self-promotion: A survey of communication professionals at Swiss higher education institutions. Accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual ICA Conference, Paris, France, May 2022.
  26. Fürst, S., Volk, S. C., Sörensen, I., Schäfer, M. S., & Vogler, D. (2022). Zwischen Ethik des Gemeinwohls und strategischer Profilierung: Individuelle Rollenselbstverständnisse und organisationale Qualitätskriterien in der Hochschulkommunikation. Accepted for presentation at the virtual Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Kommunikations- und Medienethik der DGPuK, Munich, Germany, February 2022.
  27. Volk, S. C. (2021). A phase model of international team research: Typical challenges and solution strategies from project initiation to completion. Accepted for presentation at the Virtual Workshop by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf and the Stifterverband, Zurich, November 2021.
  28. Volk, S. C. (2021). The social side of comparative knowledge production: Communication scientists’ perspectives on international team research. Presentation delivered at the virtual 71st Annual ICA Conference, May 2021.
  29. Volk, S. C. (2021). Mapping the contours of comparative communication research: A systematic review of comparative studies in 27 communication journals, 2015-2019. Presentation delivered at the Dreiländertagung DACH21 of the DGPuK, ÖGK & SGKM, Zürich, May 2021.
  30. Volk, S. C. (2021). Why do research collaborations succeed? Learning from the coordinators of international research projects. Presentation delivered at he Dreiländertagung DACH21 of the DGPuK, ÖGK & SGKM, Zürich, May 2021.
  31. Volk, S. C, Düthmann, J., Link, J., & Lück, A. (2020). Millennials im Berufsfeld PR und Kommunikation: Eine Studie zu Zufriedenheit und Stress junger Kommunikator*innen im Spannungsfeld von Berufs- und Privatleben. Presentation delivered at the 27. Web Congress of the DGPuK Division Public Relations & Organizational Communication, Leipzig, Germany, October 2020.
  32. Brockhaus, J., Dicke, L., Hauck, P., & Volk, S. C. (2019). Employees as Corporate Ambassadors: Towards a Framework for Analyzing the Role of Co-Workers Speaking for their Organization. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 2019 Annual Congress. Zagreb, Croatia, September 2019.
  33. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2019). Towards a Standardization of Management Processes in Corporate Communications: An Empirical Study of the Relevance and Use of Management Tools. Paper presented at ICA, Washington D.C., United States, May 2019.
  34. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2019). How can we make our research matter to the industry? Management tools as a missing link between public relations theory and practice. Paper presented at IPRRC, Orlando, United States, March 2019.
  35. Volk, S. C., & Zerfass, A. (2018). Zur Relevanz der PR/OK-Forschung: Eine Studie zur Nutzung von Kommunikationsmanagement-Tools aus einer Practice-Perspektive. Presentation delivered at the 25. Annual Congress of the DGPuK Division Public Relations & Organizational Communication, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2018.
  36. Volk, S. C. (2018). Looking ahead: Ideas for future debates and research. Presentation delivered at EUPRERA’s Annual Congress, Panel on Converting big ideas to practical tools: How management education can inspire communication scholars, Aarhus, Denmark, September 2018.
  37. Dühring, L., & Volk, S. C. (2018). Agility in strategic communication research: Historical roots, conceptual specification, and implications for theory and practice. Paper presented at BledCom 2018, Bled, Slovenia, July 2018.
  38. Volk, S. C. (2018). Contemporary deadlocks in PR evaluation and measurement research. Presentation delivered at ICA’s Annual Conference, Panel on New voices in PR evaluation: Innovative approaches and new research avenues for a field in stasis, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2018.
  39. Chen, R., Hung-Baesecke, F., Stacks, D.W., Zerfass, A., Bowen, S.A., & Volk, S. C. (2017). Creating Shared Value, Chief Executive Officer Characteristics and Competencies, and Public Trust in Business: A Cross-National Study in China, the United States, and Germany. Paper presented at The 2nd Conference of the Public Relations Society of China (PRSC) & The 10th International Forum on Public Relations and Advertising (PRAD), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan China, October 2017.
  40. Zerfass, A., Volk, S. C., & Macnamara, J. (2017). Comparing communication departments in Asia-Pacific and Europe: How leaders prioritize the department’s responsibilities. Paper presented at The 2nd Conference of the Public Relations Society of China (PRSC) & The 10th International Forum on Public Relations and Advertising (PRAD), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan China, October 2017.
  41. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2017). Beyond Creativity: How Communication Departments Contribute to Corporate Success. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 2017 Annual Congress. London, United Kingdom, September 2017.
  42. Volk, S. C. (2017). Current challenges of comparative research. Presentation delivered at ICA’s Annual Conference, Panel on Comparative Research in Public Relations – Challenges and Opportunities, San Diego, USA, May 2017.
  43. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2017). The Strategic and Operational Contributions of Corporate Communications: Multiple Rationales and Diverging Roles. Paper presented at IPRRC, Orlando, United States, March 2017.
  44. Volk, S. C. (2016). Towards Comparative Research in Strategic Communication Scholarship: Analysis of Current Cross-National Studies and Future Directions. Paper presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the Public Relations Society of China (PRSC), Hong Kong, December 2016.
  45. Volk, S. C. (2016). Comparative Research in International Public Relations Research: Current Gaps and Future Directions. Presentation delivered at ECREA’s 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2016.
  46. Volk, S. C. (2016). A Systematic Review of 40 Years of Public Relations Evaluation and Measurement Research: Looking into the Past, the Present, and the Future. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, March 2016.
  47. Zerfaß, A., Verčič, D., & Volk, S. C. (2016). Communication evaluation and measurement: Skills, practices and utilization in European organizations. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, March 2016.
  48. Winkler, L., Volk, S. C., Borner, M., & Zerfaß A. (2015). Zwischen Intention und Emergenz. Mittelstandskommunikation im Spannungsfeld kontroverser Strategieparadigmen. Presentation delivered at the 22. Annual Congress of the DGPuK Division Public Relations & Organizational Communication, Greifswald, Germany, November 2015.


  1. Schulz, A., & Volk, S. C. (2023). Zwischen Wertschätzung und Überlastung – Wie Schweizerinnen und Schweizer die Fülle von Informationen und Angeboten erleben. Ergebnisbericht des Information Abundance Projekts der Digital Society Initiative. Zürich: Universität Zürich.
  2. Ho, S. S., Shove, E., Volk, S. C., & Hansen, A. (2023). Mistra Environmental Communication. Mid-Term Review. Evaluation Report for MISTRA - The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research.
  3. Volk, S. C. (2023). Evaluating the impact of science communication projects: A quantitative content analysis of the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of 128 SNSF-funded projects from 2012-2022. Project report for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
  4. Zerfaß, A., Volk, S. C., Dietlmeier, J., Düthmann, J., Kornblum, T., Link, J., Lück, A., Vaaßen, F. (2020). Die Macher von Morgen – Eine deutschlandweite Studie zu jungen Berufstätigen und Talenten im Berufsfeld Kommunikationsmanagement und Public Relations. Leipzig: Universität Leipzig. Verfügbar unter
  5. Zerfass, A., Volk, S. C., Lautenbach, C., & Jakubowitz, M. (2018). Management tools for corporate communications – Relevance, benefits and experiences. Results of an empirical study in communication departments. Leipzig, Frankfurt: University of Leipzig / Lautenbach Sass. Available at


  1. Sörensen, S., Volk, S. C., Fürst, S., Vogler, D., & Schäfer, M. S. (2024). Hochschulkommunikation im Wandel: Professionalisierung und Herausforderungen eines wachsenden Berufsfeldes. PR magazin, 8 (54).
  2. Mahl, D., Schäfer, M. S., Volk, S. C., & Kessler, S. H. (2024). Künstliche Intelligenz in der Wissenschaft: Chancen und Grenzen für Forschung, Lehre und Wissenstransfer. Ze-phir, 31(1), 24-26.
  3. Volk, S. C., & Zerfaß, A. (2021). Vom Kommunikator zum Adviser – Neue Rollen für Kommunikationsprofis? PR magazin, 09, 106-113.
  4. Volk, S. C., & Zerfaß, A. (2018). Was leisten Kommunikationsabteilungen? Aufgabenpriorisierung, Zielvereinbarungen und Reporting mit dem Communications Contributions Framework. PR magazin, 49(6), 72-79.
  5. Zerfaß, A., Volk, S. C., Chen, R. & Zhan, M. (2018). Shared Value als Chance für die Unternehmenskommunikation. Studie zur Akzeptanz von CSR- und CSV-Aktivitäten in Deutschland, China und den USA. PR magazin, 49(8), 72-78.
  6. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2017). The boundary spanner. Which tasks are performed by communication executives? A new management tool reflects the many facets of the role. Communication Director, 4, 78-83.
  7. Volk, S. C., Berger, K., Zerfass, A., Bisswanger, L., Fetzer, M., Köhler, K. (2017). How to play the game. Strategic tools for managing corporate communications and creating value for your organization (Communication Insights, Issue 3). Leipzig, Germany: Academic Society for Corporate Management & Communication. Available online at
  8. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2016). Overcoming the measurement deadlock. Communication for Leaders, 3(1), 4-5.
  9. Berger, K., Borner, M., Köhler, K., Viertmann, C., Volk, S. C., & Zerfaß, A. (2015). Was bringt das alles? Wertschöpfung durch Kommunikation (Communication Insights, Issue 1). Leipzig: Akademische Gesellschaft für Unternehmensführung und Kommunikation. Available online at


  1. Volk, S. C. (2025). Strategische Wissenschaftskommunikation: Definition, Segmentierung und Evaluation von Zielgruppen. Invited Keynote at the Congress „Wissenschaftskommunikation – Zielgruppenanalyse und praktische Umsetzung“ of the Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing and the Deutsches Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt on March 26, 2025, Tutzing, Germany.
  2. Volk, S. C. (2025). Forschung und Innovation sichtbar machen: Chancen und Herausforderungen der Wissenschaftskommunikation von Unternehmen. Invited Talk at the Leadership Forum 2025 of the Akademische Gesellschaft für Unternehmensführung & Kommunikation on May 23, 2025, Hamburg, Germany.
  3. Mahl, D., & Volk, S. C. (2024). Boon or bane? Mapping research on the impact of AI on science communication. Invited Talk at ScienceComm’24 on September 10, 2024 in Bern, Switzerland.
  4. Volk, S. C. (2024). Wissenschaftskommunikation von Unternehmen: ein unerforschtes Feld? Invited interview by, Zurich, Switzerland. Available online:
  5. Volk, S. C. (2024). Warum die Evaluation oft scheitert. Invited lunch talk by the #FactoryWisskomm task force on May 15, 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland. Summary available online:
  6. Schäfer, M.S., & Volk, S. C. (2024). Wissenschaftskommunikation evaluieren: Anspruch, Befunde und Chancen. Invited Keynote at the MSCL Symposium Evaluation in der Wissenschaftskommunikation at the University of Munich on March 7, 2024, in Munich, Germany.
  7. Volk, S. C. (2024). “Wirkung lässt sich nicht so leicht messen”: Befunde zur Evaluation der Schweizer Hochschulkommunikation. Invited talk at the MSCL Symposium “Evaluation in der Wissenschaftskommunikation” at the University of Munich on March 7, 2024, in Munich, Germany.
  8. Volk, S. C. (2023). How effective are entertaining and activating science communication formats? Invited Talk at ScienceComm’23 on November 3, 2023 in Bern, Switzerland.
  9. Hedder, I., Volk, S. C., & Panzer, J. (2023). Evaluation leicht(er) gemacht: Tipps, Techniken, Tools. Invited Workshop in cooperation with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) at ScienceComm’23 on November 3, 2023 in Bern, Switzerland.
  10. Volk, S. C. (2023). Scientists in the university Twitterverse: Comparing interactions and topics between individual, institutional and official voices. Invited talk at the University of Vienna on July 10, 2023, in Vienna, Austria.
  11. Volk, S. C. (2023). European perspectives on innovation in strategic communication. Invited Panelist in the PR Division Chair’s Panel on “Innovation in Strategic Communication Research and Education” on May 26, 2023, in Toronto, Canada.
  12. Volk, S. C. (2023). Showing the impact of science communication. Keynote at the BI Norwegian Business School organized by the Nordic Alliance for Communication and Management (#NORA) and NordForsk on March 10, 2023 in Oslo, Norway.
  13. Volk, S. C. (2023). Communication benchmarks for evaluation and measurement. Invited Virtual Expert Talk by the European Commission Directorate-General for Communication on February 28, 2023 in Zurich, Switzerland.
  14. Volk, S. C. (2022). Analysis of public employment services‘ communication campaigns: Results of a content analysis of campaign evaluations in 11 European countries and practical implications for impact measurement. Invited Virtual Expert Consultation by the European Commission on March 29, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. Outcome paper available here.
  15. Volk, S. C. (2022). Empirical Scholarship in Trans-National Contexts: Considering Epistemology and Methodology of International Communication Research in the COVID-19 Era. Invited Panelist at the 72nd Annual ICA Blue Sky Workshop on May 29, 2022 in Paris, France.
  16. Volk, S. C. (2022). Collaborating Scientists: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze der internationalen Forschung in Teams. Digitaler Vortrag beim Mittelbau im #mittelpunkt: Vortragsreihe der Fachgruppe Digitale Kommunikation am 12. Januar 2022 in Zürich, Schweiz.
  17. Volk, S. C. (2021). Modelle und Tools im Kommunikationscontrolling: Aktuelle Diskussionen und Herausforderungen. Digitaler Vortrag beim ICV Facharbeitskreis Kommunikations-Controlling am 28. Mai 2021 in Leipzig, Deutschland.
  18. Volk, S. C. & Brockhaus, J. (2020). Mitarbeiter als Unternehmensbotschafter: Wie können Kommunikationsabteilungen Potenziale nutzen und Risiken vermeiden? Digitaler Vortrag beim MDR „Marketing-Schulterblick” am 30. September 2020 in Leipzig, Deutschland.
  19. Volk, S. C. & Link, J. (2020). Die erste #30u30-Studie: Wie ticken die Macherinnen und Macher von morgen? Digitaler Vortrag beim Kommunikationskongress 2020 am 18. September 2020 in Leipzig, Deutschland.
  20. Volk, S. C. (2019). The Management Toolbox for Communicators. Invited Talk at the Centre for Corporate Communication of the BI Norwegian Business School on April 3, 2019 in Oslo, Norway.
  21. Zerfaß, A., & Volk, S. C. (2019). Toolbox Kommunikationsmanagement - Die wichtigsten Tools für Kommunikatoren. Webinare der Akademischen Gesellschaft für Unternehmensführung & Kommunikation am 19. September und 14. Oktober 2019 in Leipzig, Deutschland.
  22. Volk, S. C. & Maschmann, M. (2019). Mitarbeiter als Unternehmensbotschafter und Influencer: Wie können Kommunikationsabteilungen Potenziale nutzen und Risiken vermeiden? Vortrag im Rahmen des Refresh 2019. Das Forum zum Kommunikationsmanagement am 03. Mai 2019 in Leipzig, Deutschland.
  23. Volk, S. C., & Zerfaß, A. (2018). Sind wir auf dem richtigen Weg? Wie man Ziele und Aufgaben der Kommunikationsabteilung hinterfragt und neu ausrichtet. Vortrag im Rahmen des DPRG-Zukunftsforums am 28. Juni 2018 in Hamburg.
  24. Volk, S. C. & Zerfaß, A. (2018). Stratege, Berater, Enabler oder Top-Kommunikator? Das Roles Grid als neues Tool für Kommunikationsmanager. Vortrag im Rahmen des Refresh 2018. Das Forum zum Kommunikationsmanagement am 04. Mai 2018 in Leipzig.
  25. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2017). The Communications Contributions Framework: How Communication Departments Contribute to Corporate Success. Invited Guest Lecture at Chinese University of Hong Kong on October 24, 2017 in Hong Kong, China.
  26. Berger, K., & Volk, S. C. (2017). Value Creating Communication. Wie man den Wertbeitrag von Kommunikation erklären kann. Vortrag im Rahmen des Refresh 2017. Das Forum zum Kommunikationsmanagement am 19. Mai 2017 in Leipzig, Deutschland.
  27. Zerfass, A., & Volk, S. C. (2017). The Art of Strategic Alignment of Corporate Communications. Vortrag auf dem Leadership Forum 2017 der Akademischen Gesellschaft für Unternehmensführung & Kommunikation am 11. Mai 2017 in Berlin, Deutschland.

Awards, grants, stipends


  • Dissertation Award of the International/Intercultural Communication Divison of the DGPuK (2022)
  • IKMZ Teaching Award (2022)
  • Mentee of the DGPuK Gertrude Joch Robinson-Mentoring-Program (2020)
  • Institute for Public Relations W. Ward White Top Paper Award (2019)
  • EUPRERA Master Thesis Award (Theoretical Impact Award) (2016)
  • University of Miami School of Communication Top Student Paper Award (2016)
  • Koichi Yamamura International Strategic Communication Award (2016)
  • Institute for Public Relations Top Three Papers of Practical Significance Award (2016)


  • Project Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, with Prof. Dr. Mike S. Schäfer and Dr. Daniela Mahl, funded by the SNSF (770,148 CHF)

  • Project Science-Washing in Corporate Communications, funded by the University of Zurich (10,000 CHF) and Lund University (2,100 CHF)
  • Project Assessing the impact of Agora-funded projects over the past 10 years funded by the SNSF (24,822 CHF)
  • Project Information Abundance: Studying the Concept, Conditions & Consequences of Information Abundance, with Dr. Anne Schulz, funded by the Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich (32,331 CHF)
  • Project Comparative Research in Strategic Communication, with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the Program for Project-Related Personal Exchange (PPP) in cooperation with Hong Kong Baptist University (China) (13,672 €)


  • Congress travel grant by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) (2023)
  • Mobility grant with the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) (2023)
  • Mobility grant within the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) (2022)
  • Doctoral Stipend by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung) (2016-2019)
  • Congress travel grants by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (2016, 2019)
  • Congress travel grants by the Research Academy Leipzig (RAL) (2018, 2017)
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Stipend by the German National Academic Foundation (2008-2015)

Research projects

  • "Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" (funded by the SNSF, with Mike S. Schäfer and Daniela Mahl, 2025-2028)
  • "Science-Washing in Corporate Communications" (funded by University of Zurich and Lund University, 2024-present)
  • "Rethinking comparability and context in the age of platforms“ (own funds, with Valerie Hase and Fabienne Lind, 2023-present)
  • "Criticism, hostility, and attacks against science communicators" (own funds, with Niels Mede, 2022-present)
  • "A Cross-national Survey of Communicators at Higher Education Institutions across Europe" (Link) (funded by the SNSF & EUPRIO, 2022)
  • "Strategic Communication of Science Organizations" [Habilitation Thesis] (2021-present)
  • "Assessing the impact of Agora-funded projects over the past 10 years" (Link) (funded by the SNSF, 2022-2023)
  • "Status Quo and Development of Public Communication Efforts of Swiss Institutions of Higher Education" (Link) (funded by the SNSF, with Mike S. Schäfer, Silke Fürst, Isabel Sörensen and Daniel Vogler, 2021-2023)
  • "Information Abundance: Studying the Concept, Conditions & Consequences of Information Abundance" (Link) (funded by the Digital Society Initiative, with Anne Schulz, 2022-2023)
  • “Toolbox Communication Management” (collaboration between Leipzig University, University of Georgia (U.S.) and Shanghai International Studies University (China), 2019-2021)
  • “Comparative Research in Strategic Communication” (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, collaboration between Leipzig University and Hong Kong Baptist University (China), 2017-2018)
  • “Comparative Communication Research” [Doctoral Thesis] (funded by the German National Academic Foundation, 2015-2021)
  • “Value Creating Communication” (collaboration between the University of Leipzig, Münster, Hohenheim and Humboldt-University Berlin, funded by the Academic Society for Management & Communication, 2015-2019)
  • “Skills, Practices and Utilization of Evaluation Methods across Europe” (collaboration with the European Communication Monitor survey, 2015-2016)

Teaching experience

BA lectures

  • Media Management (4 semester)

BA seminars

  • Strategic Science Communication: Actors, Audiences, and Effects (1 semester)

MA seminars

  • Science Communication in the Digital Age (1 semester)
  • Digitalization of Strategic Communication: Societal, Organizational, and Technological Challenges (1 semester)
  • Evaluation & Measurement Methods and Management Tools for Corporate Communication (3 semester)
  • Theories of Organizations and Organizational Communication (4 semester)
  • Comparative Research in Strategic Communication (1 semester)

MA research seminars (co-teaching)

  • Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Digital Information Societies (forthcoming in Spring 2025)

  • Strategic Communication & Sustainable Finance Practices (1 semester)
  • Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Millenials in the Communication Industry / in cooperation with PR Report & #30u30 (1 semester)
  • Corporate Influencers as New Voices in Internal Communication / in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom AG (1 semester)
  • Performance Measurement of Corporate Sponsorings of Arts, Culture, and Sports / in cooperation with Deutsche Bank AG (1 semester)
  • Strategic Digital Health Communication / in cooperation with Allianz Deutschland AG (1 semester)

Further Education in the CAS program «Leadership and Governance in Universities»

  • Strategic University Communication
  • Contemporary Challenges of University and Science Communication
  • Evaluation and Impact Measurement of University Communication

Further Education in the CAS program «Stakeholder Management and Stewardship»

  • Strategic Communications
  • Evaluation and Reporting

Academic services

Scientific community

  • 2024: Member of the DGPuK's Public Relations / Organizational Communication Division Dissertation Award Jury
  • 2024: Member of the SACM Best Thesis Award Jury
  • 2022-2024: Co-leader of the IKMZ Postdoc Club
  • 2020-2023: Co-Convenor of the EUPRERA Paper Development Workshop (PDW)
  • 2016-2020: Early Career Representative of the Public Relations / Organizational Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK / naprok)
  • 2018-2019: ICA Student and Early Career Representative of the Public Relations Division & ICA Student and Early Career Advisory Committee Member (SECAC)
  • Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), the German Communication Association (DGPuK), the International Communication Association (ICA), CHESS (Center for Higher Education and Science Studies), Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), REHES (Research on Higher Education and Science), and Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM)
  • Reviewer for (see Publons): International Journal of Strategic Communication, Corporate Communications: an International Journal, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Creative Communications, Journal of Science Communication, Journalism Studies, International Journal of Communication, Public Relations Review, Public Understanding of Science, Publizistik, Studies in Communication Sciences (SComS), Studies in Communication and Media (SCM)


  • Deputy representative of appointment committees for new professorships, University of Zurich
  • Graduate student advisor and undergraduate student counseling, internship and career guidance, Leipzig University
  • Member of evaluation committees of assistant professorships, study and audit committees and student selection committees of the Master Communication Management, Leipzig University