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Department of Communication and Media Research Media Change & Innovation


News list

  • Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

  • Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

  • Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation

    Our former team member, Michael Reiss, successfully completed his doctoral studies at the end of October. He defended his cumulative dissertation entitled “News must die for news to live. Empirical, methodological, conceptual, and theoretical perspectives on contemporary news consumption and a proposal for a normative turn.”

    Michael worked for the Media Change & Innovation Division for five years. He recently joined the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut in Hamburg as a postdoc.

    We congratulate him on this important achievement and wish him every success in this new stage in his career.

  • Daniela Jaramillo-Dent elected to ICA Board of Directors

  • DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

  • Tanja Rüedy successfully defended her dissertation

  • New Team Member - Giulia Frascaria

  • New Team Member - Daniela Jaramillo-Dent

  • New Team Member - Céline Odermatt

  • Verkaufte Datenseele - Interview mit Michael Latzer

  • Neues Video zum Medienwandel in der Schweiz

  • New Team Members - Michael Reiss and Tanja Rüedy

  • Michael Latzer @ Forum Zukunft Bildung 2018

  • The Significance of Algorithmic Selection for Everyday Life

  • New Team Member - Kevin Witzenberger

  • «Wir knien regelrecht vor der Dreifaltigkeit des Digitalen»

  • Julian Wallace earns PhD

  • «Computer says no!» Algorithmische Entscheidungen und deren Governance

  • «The turn to artificial intelligence in governing communication online», Michael Latzer @ HIIG, Berlin

  • New Team Member – Kiran Kappeler

  • William Drake @ Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2017

  • «Algorithmische Wirklichkeitskonstruktion & Machtverschiebungen», Michael Latzer @ Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin